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Teeth are crucial for our overall health and well-being. Here are some key facts and types:


1. Chewing and digesting food
2. Speaking and articulation
3. Smiling and facial expression
4. Supporting facial structure

*Types of Teeth:*

1. Incisors (front teeth, 8 total): cutting and biting
2. Canines (cuspids, 4 total): piercing and tearing
3. Premolars (bicuspids, 8 total): crushing and grinding
4. Molars (12 total): grinding and crushing
5. Wisdom Teeth (third molars, 4 total): emerge between 17-25 years old

*Teeth Structure:*

1. Enamel (outer layer): hardest substance in the body
2. Dentin (inner layer): softer than enamel
3. Cementum (root covering): helps anchor tooth
4. Pulp (innermost layer): contains nerves and blood vessels

*Common Teeth Issues:*

1. Cavities
2. Tooth Decay
3. Gum Disease (Gingivitis, Periodontitis)
4. Tooth Loss
5. Sensitivity
6. Misalignment
7. Bruxism (teeth grinding)

*Oral Care Tips:*

1. Brush teeth twice a day
2. Floss daily
3. Rinse with mouthwash
4. Visit dentist regularly
5. Avoid sugary and acidic foods/drinks
6. Wear mouthguard (if needed)

Do you have a specific question about teeth or oral health?

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