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Marxian development theory, inspired by Karl Marx’s ideas, critiques capitalism’s impact on developing countries. Key points include:

1. *Exploitation*: Developing countries are exploited by capitalist powers through unequal trade, resource extraction, and labor exploitation.

2. *Dependency*: Developing countries become dependent on developed countries for capital, technology, and markets, limiting their autonomy.

3. *Underdevelopment*: Capitalist powers actively underdevelop peripheral countries to maintain their dominance.

4. *Class struggle*: Class conflicts within developing countries are influenced by global capitalist dynamics.

mperialism*: Developed countries use imperialism to maintain control and exploit resources.

False promises*: Capitalist development promises (e.g., modernization, growth) often fail to materialize.

Alternative paths*: Marxian theory advocates for alternative development paths, prioritizing local needs, self-reliance, and socialist principles.

Marxian development theory challenges mainstream development theories, emphasizing power relations, exploitation, and the need for radical transformation.

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